Declare Yourself
The Mission
Declare Yourself was a national nonpartisan, nonprofit campaign to empower and encourage every eligible 18-29-year-old in America to register and vote. It grew out of the Declaration of Independence Road Trip that toured an original 1776 copy of the Declaration to schools, town halls, and other locations all over the country, ultimately visiting some 100 cities in all 50 states.
Using the power of strategic media and retail partnerships, celebrity spokespeople, and most importantly, mobile and Internet technology, Declare Yourself’s campaign blanketed the landscape of popular culture, as well as universities and high schools, with a simple, clear message: REGISTER and VOTE!
Declare Yourself registered almost 4 million young people via on-line registration, on-location efforts and Ultimate College Bowl contest, contributing significantly to the unprecedented turnout of youth voters in the 2008 Presidential Election – 24 million, a major increase from 2004.

Declare Yourself - PSA